This 9,812 sq. ft. building was previous an assisted living facility built in 1972. The exterior is masonry and there is a detached garage and shed for storage. The property was renovated with 25 resident rooms. The rooms all have their own bathroom and there are also 3 common area restrooms. The property has a dining area, living area, laundry, and kitchen. The property has been vacant for several years and has not been fully renovated. The interior has vinyl, laminate and carpet flooring that is in need of replacement. Each unit and common areas have individual heat/AC. There is a sprinkler system within the property, needs updated, and not currently in working condition.
View full listing detailsPrice: | $195,000 |
Address: | 97 MAIN Street |
City: | Augusta |
County: | Hancock |
State: | Illinois |
Zip Code: | 62311 |
MLS: | CA1017983 |
Year Built: | 1972 |
Square Feet: | 9,812 |
Acres: | 5 |
Lot Square Feet: | 5 acres |
addressSearchNumberMLS: | 97 |
apptPhone: | (217) 440-3100 |
constructionMaterials: | Frame, Brick |
cooling: | Individual Units |
currentFinancing: | Other |
directions: | Continue East down E CO RD 250 North, building located on North side, before 3rd Street. |
documentsAvailable: | Appraisal |
firstPhotoAddDate: | 2022-09-14T20:42:18.4 |
flooring: | Carpet, Tile/Vinyl |
forLeaseYN: | no |
forSaleYN: | yes |
foreclosureYN: | yes |
frontageType: | City Street |
handicapModified: | Yes |
heating: | Individual Unit |
howSoldMLS: | Conventional |
inputType: | CIE |
insulationMLS: | Unknown |
landlordContributesYN: | no |
leaseTerm: | Not Applicable |
levels: | One |
listingVisibilityTypeMLS: | MLS Listing |
locationMLS: | Rural |
lvtDateMLS: | 2022-09-14 |
mlsAreaMinor: | Hancock County IL |
mlsStatus: | Sold |
netOperatingIncome: | -2600 |
numberOfBuildings: | 1 |
otherAccessMLS: | None |
ownerPays: | N/A |
possibleUse: | Flex Space, Medical, Office, Other |
roof: | Asphalt/Fiberglass |
saleLeaseIncludesMLS: | Building |
saleRentMLS: | For Sale |
searchPriceMLS: | 185000 |
sewer: | Public Sewer |
sprinklerYN: | yes |
taxAnnualAmount: | 2599.88 |
taxIncentive: | None |
taxYear: | 2021 |
tenantPays: | NotApplic |
undergroundStorageTankYN: | no |
waterSource: | Municipal/City |