Brick bungalow ready for your finishing touches.
View full listing detailsPrice: | $65,000 |
Address: | 2073 BROADWAY Street |
City: | Quincy |
County: | Adams |
State: | Illinois |
Zip Code: | 62301 |
Subdivision: | None |
MLS: | CA1023364 |
Square Feet: | 1,704 |
Acres: | 0.180 |
Lot Square Feet: | 0.180 acres |
100YearPlain: | No |
addressSearchNumberMLS: | 2073 |
age55PlusDevelopment: | No |
agentIsDesignatedManagingBroker: | no |
agentOwned: | no |
agentRelatedToOwner: | no |
allowedUseCaseGroups: | IDX |
appliances: | None |
architecturalStyle: | Bungalow |
basement: | Full, Unfinished |
buyerAgencyCompensation: | 2% |
confidentialListing: | MLS Listing |
constructionMaterials: | Frame, Brick, Wood Siding |
developmentStatus: | Under Construction |
directions: | North side of Broadway between 20th & 22nd |
disclosedShortSale: | No |
documentsAvailable: | None Available |
documentsCount: | 1 |
dualVariableCompensationYN: | no |
elementarySchool: | Baldwin |
exteriorFeatures: | Porch |
firstPhotoAddDate: | 2023-07-12T16:08:10.5 |
foundationDetails: | Stone |
garageYN: | no |
heating: | None |
highSchool: | Quincy School District #172 |
incentive: | no |
internetAutomatedValuationDisplayYN: | no |
internetConsumerCommentYN: | yes |
kitchenDiningMLS: | Dining/Living Combo |
listingAgreement: | Exclusive Right To Sell |
listingContractDate: | 2023-07-10T00:00:00+00:00 |
listingVisibilityTypeMLS: | MLS Listing |
livingArea: | 1704 |
lotFeatures: | Level |
lotSizeDimensions: | 40x191 |
lvtDateMLS: | 2023-07-12 |
mandatoryAnnualFee: | No |
mandatoryMonthlyFee: | No |
mlsAreaMinor: | Quincy |
mlsStatus: | Pending (No Showings) |
newConstructionYN: | no |
operatingRecordingDevice: | None |
parcelNumber: | 23-5-2191-000-00 |
parkingFeatures: | Alley Access |
pricePerSqFt: | 38.15 |
propertyIsMobileHomeYN: | no |
purchaseContractDate: | 2023-07-20T00:00:00+00:00 |
relo: | no |
repossessed: | no |
roadSurfaceType: | Alley, Paved |
roof: | Shingle |
saleRentMLS: | For Sale |
searchPriceMLS: | 65000 |
solicitingFromBuyers: | no |
statusChangeTimestamp: | 2023-07-21T00:00:00+00:00 |
taxAnnualAmount: | 1205 |
taxExemptionsMLS: | None |
taxLegalDescription: | LOT 71 MOULTON SURVEY W 40FT OF E 200FT LOT 71 |
taxYear: | 2022 |
totalBasementSqFt: | 1175 |
utilitiesOnYN: | no |
utilityCompany: | Ameren |
waterSource: | Public, Public Sewer |